Crisis Relief
Severe Weather
Bangladesh, located at the northern tip of the Bay of Bengal, is one of the world’s most at-risk countries for severe coastal storms. With much of its land area at or only several feet above sea level, it is particularly vulnerable to destructive tropical cyclones or hurricanes. In response, the people of Bangladesh have adapted their homes, villages, wells, and crops to cope with frequent flooding. Locally and nationally, governments have also put in place "preparedness committees", chains of communication, and a National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) to minimize the country’s exposure to disaster risk.
Emergency cyclone shelters have been built for people to evacuate to, although the capacity of these shelters still needs to be increased. Many of the emergency shelters also serve other functions such as schools and have the ability to store livestock and water. Another adaptive measure being undertaken is to increase the effectiveness of natural vegetation as a storm barrier. This has often involved “social forestry”, where the people plant trees and mangroves themselves to act as storm buffers. Another method employed has been the development of floating gardens, or “bairas” that can withstand floods. Finally, Bangladesh has implemented successful programs to increase the awareness of climate change and cyclone risk amongst the most vulnerable populations.
Crisis Relief
Love Your Neighbour has provided much needed help when a crisis comes. The local villages receive supplies, food and help. In the past several years Love Your Neighbour has helped with:
Food assistance when crops were damaged from cyclones and floods
Blankets when tempreatures where extremely cold
Water when drout conditions wiped out rainwater ponds
Temporary shelter when floods washed out housing